Destabilization Experiment
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Destabilization Experiment
The Destabilization Experiment, an ideas series produced in partnership between Rest of World and the UCLA Institute for Technology, Law & Policy, explores the multifaceted ways that social media has impacted the political discourse around the world, to answer the question: What impact is social media having on democracies around the world?

“Disinformation Laws”
Social media platforms alternate between ignoring disinformation and launching broad crackdowns on user speech.

Social Media Laws – Or None At All
The Philippines ranks first for social media use. Facebook’s failure to curb abuses in the the Philippines shouldn’t be met ...

Facebook is bad at moderating
The platform must work with communities on the ground to design policies on moderation and be fully transparent about ...

Why Russia is using Facebook
The government has taken no action, and with elections approaching, Russia stands to directly influence the country’s political direction for ...

Brazilians are desperately fighting against Bolsonaro’s digital tactics
Political institutions, including the opposition parties, are reaching for any weapons they can find against the president’s use of social ...

How governments go after protesters using social media
People across Latin America and the Caribbean are organizing online. That space must be protected.

Social media has weakened India’s democracy
The responsibility and power to hold the government and the private sector accountable for upholding democracy depends on the ...

The uncomfortable link between the U.S. insurrection and Tahrir Square revolution
Social media has gone from being the savior of democracy to the scourge of democracy. How did it come to ...